Recent News

The value of ESP is so much more than you think!

CISVic roundtable 5The Education Support Program (ESP) at BayCISS is a valuable avenue for schools to request assistance for families in need.  Schools within our region can apply for funding from our agency to assist with costs associated with camps, excursions and school sports programs (like swimming).


Inclusion and social interaction are vital within the schooling environment and being able to participate in these activities goes a long way to prevent students from missing out on these health and well being exercises.  We are indeed, very fortunate to have such fabulous and committed supporters in Highett Community Bank, Rotary Club of Brighton and the Rotary Club of Sandringham who continue to understand the value of this program and provide supports which allow us to contribute to young people and their future.CISVic roundtable 7


It was great to be able to share program fundamentals, ideas, challenges and opportunities with other agencies around the value and sustainability of these programs all over Victoria thanks to the CISVic roundtable concept.

And it’s always a good excuse to visit our wonderful capital city and enjoy the amazing summer weather.

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