Recent News

The Big Freeze!

Our brand new freezer arrived last week and we can’t begin to tell you how excited we were!

Thanks to a Feed Melbourne grant and a wonderful deal from Jono Refrigeration, we are now able to provide much more storage for frozen items to distribute.  This in turn allows us to provide members of our community with substantial protein and frozen items which make an enormous difference to them and goes a long way to assisting with healthy meal plans.  The items we are able to provide are sourced through our association with the local Aldi Supermarket and Food Bank, coupled with fresh produce from our friends at Food For Change as well as our own little garden and added to the generosity of community donations!  The work we are able to do, the people we are able to support, the food we are able to provide and the opportunity to make someone’s day – is all thanks to all of our wonderful partners!

The brand new glassed three-door freezer arrived recently and has already managed to be filled and emptied!

If you would like to help us fill our freezer, we’d love to hear from you!

Food For Change Foundation