No Interest Loans (NILS) provide individuals and families with access to fair, safe and affordable credit to purchase essential goods and services to the maximum value of $2,000. Loans are free from fees, charges, and interest. Pay back only what you borrow.
You are eligible for a No Interest Loan if you:
• Have a Heath Care Card / Pension Card
• Earn less than $70,000 gross annual income as a single
• $100,000 gross annual income as a couple or people with dependants
• You can show that you have the capacity to repay the loan
What can I use a loan for?
No Interest Loans can be used for costs associated with:
• Household Essentials
Such as furniture, kitchen appliances and washing machines.
• Heath & Wellbeing
Such as dental, medical and veterinary bills.
• Education & Employment Essentials
Such as laptops, new uniforms or power tools.
• Housing
Such as home repairs, removalist fees and bond payments.
• Vehicle & Transport
Such as driving lessons, vehicle registration fees or car repairs.
Loans are paid directly to the supplier and cannot be used to repay debt(s) or for ongoing general living expenses like food.
How long do I have to repay my loan?
The maximum loan repayment term is 24 months.
To apply for a loan, clients must provide details of their income and expenditure so the loan provider can determine that they have the capacity to repay the loan.
An information package is available below or from the Hampton East office. Once all required information is gathered, clients should phone the Hampton East office on 9555 9910 or 9555 6560 to arrange an interview with one of our NILS volunteers.
For further information, please contact a NILS volunteer on the above numbers.
Download the NILS pack