All clients who request Emergency Relief are interviewed by a trained volunteer who discusses their situation and assesses their needs. All discussions we have with you and information that you provide are confidential and your details are private. Records of each visit are kept in order for us to assist clients through their crisis and to be provided in an unidentifiable file to meet requirements of our funding body..
What Can Be Provided?
What will be provided to clients varies according to client need, previous support given and what we have available.
Emergency Relief may be in the form of food vouchers, food parcel, phone cards pharmacy vouchers and travel cards. Food vouchers will not be given more frequently than every three months.
Who Can Access Emergency Relief?
Bayside residents and residents living in parts of Kingston (area bounded by South, Warrigal and Centre Dandenong Roads) who are in a crisis situation can request assistance through this program.
All clients must have current identification showing address, generally in the form of a current Centrelink card. The volunteers will request identification at each visit.